Sydney, Canberra & Melbourne

  • 01 Mar -
    05 Apr

    01 Mar -
    05 Apr

    Sydney Opera House

    Tickets on sale as part of a 2025 Season Package.

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Act 3, Scene 1

Henry 5 is one of the most famous war plays of all time. Shakespeare transcends good versus evil, right versus wrong to highlight the tensions between civilisation and barbarity.

By William Shakespeare
Director Marion Potts
Set and Costume Designer Anna Tregloan
Composer and Sound Designer Jethro Woodward
With JK Kazzi, Odile le Clézio, Mararo Wangai, Jo Turner

Henry 5 Production Patrons
Dr Anne Reeckmann & Dr Gary Holmes

Young Prince Hal has left his wayward adolescence behind and assumed the mantle of kingship. Following a humiliating insult by the French prince, King Henry launches England into a war with France to claim the throne he believes is rightfully his.

Against all odds, he leads his troops from despair to climactic victory at the Battle of Agincourt. He is hailed a warrior and a hero. But at what cost?

This riveting new production is directed by Marion Potts (Othello, Hamlet), who returns to Bell Shakespeare after 15 years, and stars dynamic newcomer JK Kazzi.


Tickets are currently available as part of a season package. Single tickets will be available to purchase from 20 November 2024.

Henry 5

  • 01 Mar -
    05 Apr

    01 Mar -
    05 Apr

    Sydney Opera House

    Tickets on sale as part of a 2025 Season Package.

Tickets are currently available as part of a season package. Single tickets will be available to purchase from 20 November 2024.

Season package ticket prices

Adult Premium: $98
Adult A-reserve: $82
Concession Premium: $90
Concession A-reserve: $72
Under 18/Under 35* Premium: $50
Under 18/Under35* A-reserve: $40

* Under 35s ticket prices are available for Tuesday - Thursday performances only. Under 18s prices are available for all performances.

School performances

Henry 5

  • 26 Mar -
    03 Apr

    26 Mar -
    03 Apr

    Sydney Opera House

  • 21 May

    21 May

    Arts Centre Melbourne

We strongly advise all teachers to ensure their students are familiar with the play's plot and discuss content, prior to viewing the performance.


It’s important to us that Shakespeare’s work is accessible to all Australians, regardless of their physical abilities.
We’re pleased to offer a range of services and facilities to make your visit as enjoyable as possible.
For a list of captioned and audio described performances, please contact our box office on 1300 305 730.
Call us via the National Relay Service — ask for Bell Shakespeare or 1300 305 730.

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Audio described performances and tactile tours, hearing enhancement and headsets.
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Auslan interpreted and captioned performances
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Access & special seating

Our venues provide wheelchair access and guide dogs are welcome.
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Companion Cards

We are a Companion Card affiliate. Let us know at the time of booking and present the card when collecting tickets.