Much Ado About Nothing

Journeys of love

There are two key love stories in Much Ado About Nothing, that of Benedick and Beatrice, and Claudio and Hero. Each story plays out quite differently across the journey of the play.

  • Write five key plot points in the relationship of Benedick and Beatrice chronologically.
  • Write five key plot points in the relationship of Claudio and Hero chronologically.
  • Use visual icons (or even emojis!) to signify the highs and lows and key points of their story.
  • Make note of how the journeys of love are similar or different. Particularly note how their relationships line up chronologically – ie. do their high and low points align or differ?
  • Make a visual representation of the two journeys of love on a poster.
  • Include key quotes from the characters to help illustrate their journeys.