Teacher memberships
Premium access for teachers and schools to exclusive video content and expertly created learning resources.
About William Shakespeare
Historical information about Shakespeare's life, legacy, and Elizabethan and Jacobean England.
About Shakespeare's Language
Fact sheets on Shakespeare’s language, phrases, word inventions, and techniques.
Explore Shakespeare's Timeline
Explore Shakespeare's plays alongside his life and historical events using our interactive timeline.
Genres of Shakespeare's Plays
Read about how editors classified Shakespeare's plays, from comedy to tragedy.
Humans as represented by Shakespeare
Find out how Shakespeare held up a “mirror to nature” and explored what it means to be human on stage.
Shakespeare Unbound
Watch John Bell, Miranda Tapsell, Kate Mulvany and more perform key scenes and soliloquies from a selection of Shakespeare’s greatest plays. Our collaboration with ABC Splash also includes companion video interviews with the cast about character analysis and performance choices.
Bell Shakespeare on demand
Bell Shakespeare's Teacher Membership offers exclusive access for Australian teachers to broadcast quality production recordings streamed on demand, premium resources, discounted theatre tickets, invitations to exclusive events and more. Featuring Richard 3 (2017) and The Tempest (2014) available in terms 2 and 3 2025.