Shakespeare was a master of words and the English language has been impacted by his work in ways that many don't realise. From famous phrases from his plays that have entered the modern lexicon, through to his expert use of language techniques and even word inventions, the way we use language owes a great debt to Shakespeare.
Sara Zwangobani as Mark Antony (2018)
Shakespeare’s plays are filled with incredible language, but what techniques are at work? Here’s a list of just some of the many literary techniques that Shakespeare employs, with examples as spoken by his characters.
The Chandos Portrait, by artist John Taylor
Depending on who you believe, the English language owes a debt of gratitude to Shakespeare for the invention of anywhere between 400 and 2500 words and phrases that we still use today. It makes sense. Shakespeare was changing the way humans tell stories. Some people even believe he was changing what it meant to be a human being, so it stands to reason that he would need some interesting new words to help him do that.
Read more about Shakespeare's wordsRead more about Shakespeare's words