Apply for a subsidy

Use the form below to tell us about your school and/or organisation and the programs you are interested in accessing. Applications are assessed based on need, so please do provide us with enough information so we can best assess your needs and program fit.

Please note: Completing the Sharing Shakespeare application form does not guarantee subsidy. Bell Shakespeare staff will get in touch to confirm if your school is successful. Subsidies will be allocated until exhausted.

School/Organisation details

School/organisation address

Contact details

I would like to receive the Bell Shakespeare Learning e-newsletter 
How did you hear about us?  
Which program are you interested in organising for your school? 
If successful, I agree to provide feedback on the subsidised programs and their impact. 

Our Sharing Shakespeare programs are only made possible thanks to the generous support of our donors. It is critical for Bell Shakespeare to be able to report on the impact of these programs for our donors, and therefore we ask all recipients to provide feedback about their experiences.