Bell Shakespeare

Book a student workshop

$600 + GST for up to 30 students.

Schools experiencing financial, socioeconomic and/or geographic challenges may apply for a Sharing Shakespeare subsidy here.

See more information on payment options for NSW government schools here.

Please read the terms and conditions before submitting your booking.

Workshop details

Workshops go for two hours

We have some additional questions so our Teaching Artist/s can specifically tailor the content for the Student Workshop to best meet student need and outcomes. Please give as much detail as possible.

What is the perception of Shakespeare amongst the students? 
Where are your students up to with the synopsis of the play? 
How experienced are your students with Shakespeare? 
How far into studying the play will your students be when they participate in the seminar?
Bell Shakespeare Student Workshops are interactive experiences designed to get students engaging physically with Shakespeare’s language, characters and ideas. How familiar are your students with an active approach to learning? 
What was your main aim in booking this Student Workshop? (tick as many as apply) 
Please select your top three outcomes for your students from the following list: 

School details


Contact teacher details

How did you hear about us? 
I would like to receive Bell Shakespeare's Learning e-newsletter, for all the latest news and Learning updates 

Accounts payable

Payment options

(Compulsory for NSW government schools - please see link at top of form for more details)

Arrival information 
Terms and conditions