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Join Bell Shakespeare in sharing Shakespeare’s works with millions of Australians.
DonateDonateFor over 30 years, Bell Shakespeare has shared the timeless beauty of Shakespeare and other classics with young people, teachers, communities and audiences in every state and territory of Australia. Your support keeps Shakespeare accessible and relevant to Australians everywhere.
Join Bell Shakespeare in sharing Shakespeare’s works with millions of Australians.
DonateDonateRegular support ensures we are able to focus our efforts on finding new ways to create, collaborate, educate, and provide life-changing opportunities nation-wide.
Be a part of Bell Shakespeare’s future and open a world of possibility for people across Australia.
Our donor circles connect like-minded supporters and offer participants exclusive opportunities to experience our work.
Our partnerships offer unique opportunities to reflect humanity through Shakespeare’s universal storytelling.
If Bell Shakespeare has been an important part of your life, or you love the work we do, leaving a gift in your will can be part of your legacy too.